
The Day the Music Died

This is the story of a very unfortunate day in the life of the Fiesta.

Being the good son that I am, I planned to drive home (Rochester NY baby!!!) to surprise mom for Mother's Day. Well, the desire for a bowel movement and coffee ended that dream some 16 miles outside of Binghamton, NY at a dumpy Arby's parking lot.

A Texas-sized pothole brought our dear Margarita to a stop as she slowly leaked out the air of the front driver's side tire. :( An $800 billion stimulus bill for infrastructure but apparently Whitney Point, NY was left off of the home-improvement list.

Brian, ever the manly-man, couldn't figure out the jack so I in the most impressive display of my own manliness jacked Margarita into the air. 17 calls later to Binghamton tire stores and we were at a sad, sad loss...until we called Andrew, our friendly Mission Control Agent. Of course, we forgot about the time zone difference and upon hearing Andrew answer, or more correctly, try to answer, the phone we realized we were probably catching the morning after of a very excellent Saturday night for Andrew. :)

Lauren rescued Brian and Little A from Bing-Bing, yet I remain here indefinitely until dear Andrew can save me from the gateway to PA. Help Andrew!!


Anonymous said...

now I know why parking lots have speed limits...

Follow Emma! said...

That is a sad, sad, story. I hope you get the tire fixed soon!