
!!Adios Fiesta!!

Well, the Movement has come to an end. Lauren and I are departing for L.A. in about an hour (3AM, YAHOO) for the conclusion of the Fiesta Movement. We're both packed and ready to go so that's good. In addition to helping unveil the North American version of the Fiesta, Lauren and I will be attending some sort of awards ceremony. I'm sure the only prize we're going to walk away with is most hated agents. On the brighter side, cross your fingers for us winning a Fiesta for keeps. That's right, Ford is giving away 3 more brand new Fiestas next summer to be ours forever and ever. (Hopefully since LL and I are both going, we get 2 chances, LOL.)

Lauren and I turned Margarita keyfobs over to Barber Ford last Friday with a total mileage reading 19,459. While Lauren and Chris will make fun of me endlessly for writing a Fiesta related blog post, I'm going to do it anyway.

Charlie @ Barber did a quick damage inspection of Margarita before letting us leave. Aside from some curb rash and a rather prominent black scratch on the hood, Margarita made it through nearly 20,000 of service without one mechanical glitch. For 3 young socialites who have collectively killed 3 cars in only a few years of driving, I have to hand it to Ford for building a tough little car that took a beating. (I suppose "tough" doesn't accurately described a lime green supermini with white polka dots).

Margarita also popped each of our manual-transmission cherries. Sorry for those first few weeks, Margarita, as the ride must have been as rough for you as it was for our passengers.

Top 3 Favorite Fiesta Features
1) Keyless start
2) Automatic wipers/ lights
3) Roomy boot

Top 3 Things Fiesta Needs
1) Center armrest for front passengers
2) More power
3) Bigger gas tank

Top 3 Fiesta Ooopps
1) Lauren's garbage-plate farts on return drive from ROC
2) Chris + poop + Arby's = bent wheel + 2 weeks Fiesta-less
3) Dorothy + chicken tempura = necessary car wash

Top 5 Things We Have Learned
1) Where 3rd gear is (no longer a mystery)
2) Chris cannot park a vehicle to save his life, even with a car as small as Margarita
4) The Fiesta can get you play
5) Dorothy fits in the boot with scaled-down condom rainbow

What We'll Miss Most About Margarita
1) The polka dots
2) The free gas
3) The stares

Most Common Thing Said In Margarita
COME ON, FIESTA!! (while merging)

Hopefully, LL and I will get some pictures in LA to share with everyone and with a bit of luck, we'll both be driving new 2011 Ford Fiestas next year!

Finally, here's some of my favorite pictures from our adventure:




Oh, and for old time's sake:



Current TV Interview

Hey again everybody!!

We have to turn our poor Margarita into Ford on Friday... it's going to be a tearful goodbye. In the meantime, check out this interview that CurrentTV did with Lauren and I last week!

Also, wish us luck next week in L.A. where Ford is giving away 3 Ford Fiesta for KEEPS!!


Latest Mission

So this past Saturday, team weGOTyourCRAZY visited KidsPeace for their August mission. Social activism was this month's theme so we volunteered at the organization's 12th annual soccer tournament. Margarita was parked out in front of Soccer Central while Chris, Lauren, and Brian worked the merchandise booth for a few hours. It was an all-together pleasant afternoon as the bad weather held off until after the games had finished for the day.

Aside from not winning anything from the raffle, team weGOTyourCRAZY had a very nice volunteering experience. It was great to learn about all the great work that KidsPeace is doing in the Allentown area and at its other locations.

Sorry for the short post but Lauren and I are in the midst of moving back to school this week as classes resume at Lafayette next Monday.

Meanwhile, Margarita carried Chris back to Rochester this afternoon but they'll both be back to visit next week.

Out for now,

PS, check out http://www.kidspeace.org/ to learn more about KidsPeace


Life Lessons from the Brothas

My life at Lafayette drastically changed when I penetrated (haha!) the inner circle I like to call the Brothas. They are affectionately called the brothas, which derives from the club BOL, the Brothers of Lafayette. My time with them has taught me many life lessons:

1. once you meet one, you meet them all
2. your boyfriend/their girlfriend does not matter
3. you can always blame it on the alcohol
4. it's true. they're big
5. they're not embarrassed to knock on your door for condoms. the ones you give them will be too small and one is never enough
6. you can fit 5 of them and 2 girls in a geo prizm. no lie.
7. do not take them to phi psi. they will try to beat up the nerd at the door and punch him in his "good eye"
8. they will spontaneously whip it out. maybe because of #4...
9. if you are hooking up with one, they all know
10. they will all still try to hook up with you anyway
11. they be vibin
12. they can all be underage, and still all get into the bar
13. "gettin raped" has nothing to do with sex
14. by the end of the year, none of them will have keys or a checkpoint to the building
15. i will have to be the one to let them in the building
16. they apparently cannot get keys because they are busy playing football?
17. what goes good with eggs?? bacon!
18. foreplay is unnecessary
19. neither is kissing
20. it's safer to have sex with someone using a condom than kiss them. would you let a stranger spit in your mouth?
21. they are all single, but have their "girls" at home
22. 3 is not a crowd
23. the "what u doin" text at 4 a.m. is not uncommon
24. they all have your number somehow
25. i love them


Where We've Been & What We've Been Doing

Hey again everybody,

It’s Dorothy checking in this time around. Sorry that it’s been so long since team weGOTyourCRAZY has blogged. We’ve all been very busy this summer with work and weekend adventures. Here’s a quick summary of the past two months:

-Margarita finished her time in Rochester with Chris and brought him to the humble home of Miss Betsie (Miss Betsie is Lauren’s much-loved mother). Mission video #2 was filmed in Whitehall, PA where team weGOTyourCRAZY used the clues Margarita had left behind to track her down.

-Then it was DJ Double L’s turn with Margarita. Lauren drove the Fiesta to the Jersey shore on one weekend, used her for an impromptu late night run to Philadelphia, and ferried herself to and from work whilst gathering plenty of attention for her “unique” driving style and killer $5 sunglasses.

-After a month in Whitehall, Margarita came to stay with me. I picked her up from Lauren on a Thursday night and then drove her to Baltimore the next day to celebrate my Uncle’s retirement after 20 years with the United States Navy. His daughter and her friends were enthralled with Margarita and had a good time on the trip back from the picnic.

-The next week, I entered her in a car show where she earned no prizes but tons of attention. Over 150 people must have tested her seat comfort firsthand and pushed her buttons. (It should be noted that Margarita was scrubbed clean before the car show; the exact ingredients of the crust that had formed on the bottom of one cupholder are still unknown…)

-After the car show, Chris and Lauren came to visit and film Mission video #3. This month’s mission was just a slideshow of pictures so it left us plenty of time to embrace our crazy. Despite having a good time with Pinkie in tow, Chris vowed once again to never return to Pennsylvania (He did the same thing the day he graduated and has since been back ”down south” twice.)

-The following weekend, I picked up Lauren and Pinkie with the Fiesta and we headed down to the CRAZY’s beach house in Ocean City, New Jersey. People were stopping to snap pictures of the Fiesta with the camera phones so I’m sure we earned some PR points in that over-populated area.

-I left Margarita with Lauren in Whitehall on Sunday’s rainy return drive from the beach so she could use Margarita to haul herself and four of her friends to Lil’ Wayne’s concert at Montage Mountain. They had some great times including one drunk person’s pointing out that our Fiesta had exactly 42 dots on its side (There are actually over 100 dots… he must have had an even better time than Lauren and her accomplices.)

- Later that week, Margarita had to come back to visit me because she needed to go in for her first service. An oil change, tire rotation, and plenty of stares from people completed her visit to Barber Ford. The CRAZY and I picked her up Friday night from the dealer, who had parked Margarita right out front, and we headed to the French Manor, a secluded Bed & Breakfast in eastern PA where all three of us spent a relaxing weekend.

So here we are, 3 months into our adventure with a bunch of pictures and even more new friends. Our little Fiesta has amassed over 10,000 miles and we’re not letting up anytime soon. Team weGOTyourCRAZY doesn’t really like planning things out too far in ahead so who knows what this weekend will bring. Margarita should be heading back to Rochester shortly to visit Chris and family and there’s also been talk of Lauren’s Abulita getting a ride at a family reunion. So keep checking in and watch your review mirrors for a little snot-colored car with three cackling fools inside.





Originally uploaded by BEA_Thomas
Compact Car Parking INDEED

Meeting a Friend

Meeting a Friend
Originally uploaded by BEA_Thomas
Margarita @ the race track, meeting a friend!


Fiesta-ing Through the Decades!

Our first official Mission Video! Watch as we travel through time! From the 1950s on up!


Continuing off the Lessons Learned Lists...

Random things I've learned this summer so far:

1. Italians kiss better than anyone. period.

2. Rochester really is cold.

3. The Economy sucks.

4. People love Margarita.

...More to come, I'm sure.

10 reasons NOT to live at Lafayette during the summer

10. The dorms smell like Old McDonald's farm, and by the looks of the students, the animals are here too!
9. The only other people at the gym are professors. Biking with Bruggink? Awkward.
8. The only place serving food on campus is Gilberts. No thanks, I'll pass on having the shits today.
7. Ricecookers in every lounge.
6. I've never seen 90% of these students ever in my life.
5. No cable!! How will I watch the Wheel?
4. My room is the size of a porta-potty. And in it I have a bed, wardrobe, 4 different kinds of shelving, dresser, desk, tv and tv stand, mountains of shit, and the cat couch.
3. I' have yet to see or meet anyone who lives in my building, but I do here furniture moving VERY loudly on a daily basis. Especially when I'm trying to nap.
2. The Fiesta is in the R-O-C. The Priz just isn't quite as zippy and luxurious...
1. Chris, Brian, and the rest of the fam isn't here!!!

until i find 10 more reasons... LL


i Heart Fiesta

Zipping around with Margarita today, I began to think of why everyone should RSVP to the FIESTA next year...

1. Because polka dots are in this season.
2. It's a party on the road!
3. You can have your boot up and your bonnet open.
4. As if we weren't celebrities before, now everyone is lookin ;)
5. If they sell every car with its own agent like MC Rinke, we're in!
6. Explaining it to cute guys/girls is totally worth it...yeah, that's right, the Fiesta can get you play :P
7. 38.5 mpg while gas is north of $2.50/gallon!
8. Driving by a playground and totally making the little kids' lives because they saw the most awesome car ever (OK, Dorothy does not appreciate this one as much).
9. Every successful gear shift is a small victory in life.
10. Because despite bringing home good grades, awards, and a Bachelor's Degree, your parents will inevitably be more impressed that you drove a stick shift in Memorial Day traffic without dying.



Margarita has successfully made it to the R-O-C, more formally known as Rochester, New York – home of the Red Wings, Garbage plates, Wegmans(!!!), Abotts’s Custard, the Strong Museum of Play, and lots o’ snow. However, Margarita’s journey, while painless for her, even hitting an all-time high of 38.5 mpg, was not quite as painless for her driver, 1/3 of the infamous Team weGOTyourCRAZY.

Driving home in our dear little Fiesta was a most bittersweet occasion as I was driving not only towards the place I call home but leaving the people I call family. I graduated college on Saturday and after a nearly 48 moving spree, I left Lauren and Brian after finishing our first mission video. Needless to say, after all of our adventures and times together, it was a very tearful occasion.

And being in Margarita was a constant reminder of those times. The Fiesta experience, while still young, is something I can already tell will resonate with Lauren, Brian, and me for years and years to come as emblematic not only of who we are as individuals but what we comprise as a unit. I won’t go on waxing too nostalgic (for more on that, see my own facebook notes), but I will say we do indeed got your crazy…and our love.

Margarita is about to go see the sights in Rochester and will be back to the Keystone State with Dorothy and Double L for June’s mission video...or very possibly before then as well.

Happy Summer Fiesta Fans!

P.S. I drove past an Elementary School where kids were playing outside and I am very certain I made their lives with seeing Margarita whiz by (doing the speed limit, of course).


We Miss Thee, Margarita...

...(to the tune of "The Brady Bunch" theme song)

Here's the story of a car named Fiesta
She's sitting alone in Binghamton (Binghamton!)
She wants four wheels, but only got three
And the contest has only just begun (just begun!)

Here's the story of our Margarita
And no, we're not talking about the drink (tasty drink!)
We make a daily call to Mission Control
Thank God for our MC hottie Andrew Rinke! (Andrew Rinke!)

Here's the story of an f-ing mystery
We still do not know where to find third gear (third gear!)
So we drive around in second with gears grinding
God, could someone please give me an f-ing beer? (f-ing beer!)

So now we're waiting for Ford Feduke (pronounced: fed-oo-kay)
To get our Margarita on road (on the road!)
Hopefully we'll make it back to Easton, Pennsylvania
Without having our Margarita being towed! (being towed!)


Bing-Bing's Redemption

$4.28 Andre Champagne v. NJ's/PA's $5.99.

That's magic, kids.

Fiesta, come back to me!

A Vacation in the Southern Tier

To most people, when they hear the words "South" and "Vacation" positive images are conjured up in the brain. To me, trapped in the Southern Tier of New York State being on more of a forced sabbatical from my life than an actual vacation per se, it is less than ideal. No offense to the Bing-Bing, but the 607 is not a place people come to. When they told us the theme of the month would be travel, I never imagined I'd be traveling here....oh, life.

Poor Margarita is at our friendly Feduke Ford dealership where I was greeted by Ford sales people who loved seeing the car and Ford maintenance people decidedly less enthused by my arrival. She's full of my winter clothes and a bent wheel in the back. :(

Based on my experiences here and elsewhere, however, I have come to learn that nearly everyone else goes to school where the living accommodations far outstrip those of team weGOTyourCRAZY. Case and point: the University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, and now SUNY Binghamton all have much, much nicer upperclassmen housing - dishwashers and full-sized fridges, and beds larger than the fiesta oh my! How do we end up paying $10,000 a year in room and board and still have but a brick-and-motar, a fridge that can't hold more than a box of wine and a few pounds of cheese, and RAs who threaten to write me up for SingStar?

I've also learned that NY really is cold. They're talking about 30s here tomorrow...in MAY! C'mon, I'm not even in Rochester yet!

Alright, over and out for now Fiesta Friends. I'm going to go back to sleep.

Saving Grace: Starbucks and Five Guys adjacent. :)


The Day the Music Died

This is the story of a very unfortunate day in the life of the Fiesta.

Being the good son that I am, I planned to drive home (Rochester NY baby!!!) to surprise mom for Mother's Day. Well, the desire for a bowel movement and coffee ended that dream some 16 miles outside of Binghamton, NY at a dumpy Arby's parking lot.

A Texas-sized pothole brought our dear Margarita to a stop as she slowly leaked out the air of the front driver's side tire. :( An $800 billion stimulus bill for infrastructure but apparently Whitney Point, NY was left off of the home-improvement list.

Brian, ever the manly-man, couldn't figure out the jack so I in the most impressive display of my own manliness jacked Margarita into the air. 17 calls later to Binghamton tire stores and we were at a sad, sad loss...until we called Andrew, our friendly Mission Control Agent. Of course, we forgot about the time zone difference and upon hearing Andrew answer, or more correctly, try to answer, the phone we realized we were probably catching the morning after of a very excellent Saturday night for Andrew. :)

Lauren rescued Brian and Little A from Bing-Bing, yet I remain here indefinitely until dear Andrew can save me from the gateway to PA. Help Andrew!!


2,000 Trouble-Free Miles!!!

Hey everybody,
This is Dorothy from team weGOTyourCRAZY. My blog posts won't be as ridiculous as Chris's so I'll keep it brief.

I just wanted to report that Margarita whizzed past 2,000 miles this afternoon with no trouble to report. We love this little snot-colored car :)

Trip computer says we're averaging 33 MPG which is also awesome.

I filled up the tank and gave Margarita her first wash tonight before parking. Tomorrow, we're heading to Rochester NY to show the Fiesta to Chris's parents. Then, it's back to PA (to Chris's dismay) for a week of exams :(

After that, team weGOTyourCRAZY is planning on stretching Margarita's legs by driving to the Mall of America for our very first mission.

Keep checking back here to see what antics team weGOTyourCRAZY is up to!!


first wash 1

first wash 1
Originally uploaded by BEA_Thomas
Washing 2,000 miles of road grime of lil' Margarita



Originally uploaded by BEA_Thomas
it's alright, alright, just DRIVE


Margarita's Dash

Originally uploaded by BEA_Thomas
Head over to our flickr page to check out the rest of our recently uploaded pics from training!


And the Lists Go On and On...

In reaction to the Time 100 Most Influential, our opinions, which really, are the only ones that matter in our worlds...

Christopher’s Most Influential People

  1. Secretary of State, Former U.S. Senator from New York, and Kick-Ass Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
  2. The Legendary Miss Britney Spears
  3. Julia Roberts
  4. Realclearpolitics.com Blogger Jay Cost
  5. Lady Gaga
  6. Tina Fey
  7. American Prospect Blogger Ezra Klein
  8. U.S Senator from New York Chuck Schumer
  9. U.S. Senator from Virginia Mark Warner
  10. Utah Governor Jon Huntsman

Lauren’s Most Influential People

  1. Lil’ Wayne
  2. Bea Arthur
  3. Grace Adler from Will and Grace
  4. Candy Crowley
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Roger Federer
  7. Johnny Depp
  8. Troy Palomalu
  9. Eric Prydz
  10. Pop Pop (Lauren’s Grandfather)

Dorothy’s Most Influential People

  1. Bea Arthur…Thank you for being a friend.
  2. Celine Dion
  3. Christopher Haight
  4. Helen Keller
  5. Jeremy Clarkson
  6. Kathy Griffin
  7. Senor (Brian’s high school Spanish teacher)
  8. Betty White
  9. Rue McClanahan
  10. The Late Great Estelle Getty


Me Against the Music

As we continue to cruise around in our Fiesta, with each successful stick shift being a small personal victory, here is a breakdown of our Top Fiesta-Lovin Music:

1. Call on Me, Eric Prydz...We suggest watching his official music video to understand fully the inspiration behind our own. 'Nuff said.

2. Everybody (Backstreet's Back), Backstreet Boys...During our formative years in the late 90s, we are still ardent fans of, well, anything written by Max Martin (writer of Baby One More Time, Since U Been Gone, etc.). However, this little gem is a particularly fun treasure, as it comes with an excellent dance routine loved by Dorothy and begs the question: Backstreet's back!...wait, who the hell is Backstreet?

3. Womanizer, the legendary Miss Britney Spears...it was the single that officially marked her comeback, but really, was she ever gone? Listening to it, we feel like Superstarrrz. Oh, and p.s. we got your crazy.

4. Poker Face, Lady Gaga...A) We were loving the Gaga a good half year before mainstream America picked it up, and B) We have our own dance to it. We win.

5. I'm Yours, Jason Mraz...Basically, Dorothy loves it, Lauren hates it, Chris particularly enjoys seeing both of their faces when it comes on the radio.

6. Akon...anything and everything.


These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

As you get to know us better, it might help if we listed a few of the things that make our lives better and happier so that you too can be better and happier...

1. The Paps...without a doubt...the Lead Pap, The Friendly Pap, The Sporty Pap, The Golfer, The Hollywood Pap, The Tutor, The Psuedo-Fat One, The Fat One, The Old Book Pap, and Pie.

2. Fiestas!

3. All My Children...Junior, the Crazy, Benwald, Thar, the Hulk, Dreamy Dan, tube top twins, the one no one likes, dbag, gameshow-40-yr-old-boring-little-republican-Leave-it-to-Beaver, Texas

4. Brian...including Brian's club foot, load in his pants, bad car, bad decisions, "I'm in a good place," face-planting at 9pm, crazy eyes, 60mph around campus, and penchant for green clothes.

5. Vodka.

6. Shot Night

7. Bad Gays

8. New Friends

9. anything 90s...dance music, Disney movies, clothes, parachute pants, fanny packs, bad teen movies, etc....just not pookah shell necklaces

10. Britney, Lil' Wayne, and Celine Dion

11. Golden Girls, Will and Grace, Sex and the City, Friends, and Queer as Folk

12. Theme Parties

13. I Got Your Crazy.

14. Points of Life

15. Anything that gets away from this dumpy hill.

16. Hot Men and Cute Boys.

17. Our friends and Yours, Andre, Jose, and the Captain.


19. Hating on the Dirty Jerz

20. Nightly Costumes


No, We Were Not Voted Most Popular

Today we traveled to the Big Apple to meet our fellow Fiesta Agents.

Some of the highlights...

1. "I'm from Jersey." Response: WHOOO!!

2. "My girlfriend told me I 'signed up' for three full-time jobs. So now I don't do anything."

3. "Do you mean like Dead Unicorn or MGMT?" "No, I mean REAL MUSIC." "Yeah, like 90's dance music!" "Dead Unicorn is real music!" ...and this is where our popularity started its precipitous fall

4. "I'm not a Millennial and I like it that way."

5. "I sound like I've been drinkin all day."

6. "Y'all" ...2x.

7. At some point, a small intel computer was being waved about....and I still can't figure out why.

8. There was a bowl of butter, but no spoon or knife to accompany it?

9. Free cookies at the Double Tree

10. Lauren "christened" the toilet.

11. Doody Dodds

12. NYC Penthouse views

13. "Yesss Team We Got Your Crazy?"

14. "What names would you like on your business card?" "umm...weGOTyourCRAZY?...Capitalize got and crazy."

15. Lauren, thinking men peed standing up and then twirled around to take a dump.

16. "I think we're getting too civilized. What's next, am I gonna have to pee in one toilet and shit in another?"

17. Ms Beesty, explaining what Lauren needs to do about her Econometrics grade: "You just need to focus on the Fiesta. You won a free car. It was a good video and everybody I showed it to loved it."

18. Officer Dingle and his game...and his...


20. 4th meal of the day

21. "Well, if you pee in your change cup, no one will steal your money."

22. "Happy as a fiddle and fit as a clam."

23. "Did you see that homeless guy with the sweet eye patch?"

24. "Why are you winking at me when you take a bite?"

25. "She wants a number nine." "Wait, she knows the McDonald's Value Menu by heart?"

26. "I think the Fiesta could fit in this elevator."

27. "We only showered together once...with the camera."

28. "People always ask us, what the hell's wrong with you?"

29. Laughing for hours about Brian's club foot, bad back, creaky neck, and big ol' load in his pants.

30. "I'm gonna move away 'cause there's a draft here."

31. "No one will sit with us. We have to sit with Ford employees."

32. Enter elevator at 24th floor. Press ground floor. Go up to 34th floor and down to 26th floor. Then slam down to the ground floor.


Fame! Fame! Doin' It For the Fame! Fame! (Celebrity Soul Mates)

Chris...aka Britney "I Got Your Crazy" Spears
They share killer dance moves, a unique ability to lip synch like none other, wear the hottest clothes (or lack thereof), and often leave others wondering "What the hell is wrong with you?" Life is a Circus for these two.

Lauren...aka Howard Stern
Foul-mothed, offensive to many, and not allowed on normal broadcasting networks, Howard Stern and Lauren are genuinely two of a kind. Together, they give "Shock Jock" a whole new meaning.

Brian...aka Celine Dion
Like all middle-aged to post-Menopausal women out there, Brian can't get enough of the crazy Celine Dion can offer. Much like Celine, Brian has crazy eyes, great expressions, and can often frighten small children.


"I Wanna Take a Ride on Your Disco Stick"

So today, Team WeGotYourCrazy had its refresher/intro course to the the stick shift. While Brian and Lauren have had prior experience, I myself am a virgin when it comes to working the stick.

Before I describe the fun details of our lesson, let me first introduce you to our instructor, Dan S. Dan S. is a member of a group of friends on our campus who we affectionately refer to as "The Paps." The Paps - short for Papparazzi - are a particular breed of Lafayetters who for one reason or another are always, and I mean always, around when Lauren, Brian, or I are doing the dumbest shit. Whether its Lauren and Chris celebrating "The New Age Night" or running around in ridiculous outfits or yelling about yet another party, the Paps are never far. So when it came time to learn stick shift, it seemed only natural that we would opt for one of their kind.

So this afternoon, Dan S. - "The Friendly Pap" - picked me up and we drove over to our neighborhood Giant. For the first ten minutes though, I wasn't sure if I had signed up for a driving lesson or a sex how-to; a sampling of instruction from the Friendly Pap: "Easy, easy, right there!, Yeahhh" "Ease her into it," and my personal favorite, "Find your sweet spot!." After a few rocky starts and one minor case of whiplash later, I had Dan's Solara cruising around the parking lot like I freakin' owned the place.

After a short while, Brian arrived, greeting me with a stunned look. "I'm surprised Dan's not curled up in a ball crying and his car's not in multiple pieces!" Yes kids, it's true, Chris knows how to work the stick. The same, however could not be said for Dear Old Dorothy. Grandma, with just the slightest bit of dribble seeping out of the corner of her mouth and flatulence fully in check, nearly whipped Dan's and my heads right off our necks! After five minutes of the Solara earthquake, Dorothy only finally got the car in gear after seeing Lauren arrive and yellling "NOOO!!! NOT HER!" Like I said, Lauren does not like anything Brian likes and Brian really does not like Lauren.

Lauren, too, needed some adjustment time but soon was back in the swing of things. Lauren has the most experience with the manual, as she used to drive her ex-boyfriend's big ol' manly pickup around town...before she was carted off in the paddy wagon, of course. Lauren felt so comfortable, she drove us right out of the parking lot, much to Dan's surprise and...horror.

Can't wait for the next lesson!...although I'm not sure I can say the same for Dan.


Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask

Hello Party People!

So we realized that while our collective bio and video did provide some helpful insight into our lifestyle, I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the crazy that we're bring.

Brian, The Old Funny One
Brian, at heart, is a post-menopausal woman with Osteoporosis and in desperate need of a catheter bag. Today, he also was having some serious hearing problems that Lauren suspected was the result of the hearing aid being turned up too loudly. We always fear that if we leave Brian - or more correctly, "Dorothy" - alone in the room we will return to one of those "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up" scenes. Brian has a love for snuggies, a hatred for the North, and does not enjoy walking anywhere...without his walker or jazzie scooter. Brian, like all cranky old women, hates children and drools in his sleep. He's no friend to the environment and considers his primary hobby to be torturing pedestrians with grape-tossing.

Lauren, The Smelly Cheesy One
Lauren hails from the "Glorious Hall of White," located in the greater Allentown area. Fun fact about Lauren is she once tried to enter the Miss Teen Pennsylvania contest, only to be denied due to the fact that her only sponsor for the $1,000 entry fee was a nice Arab man at the nearest gas station who gave her $10 every Friday...more like Miss Exxon, but nice try Lauren. Now happily 21, Lauren has formed a "donk" second to none, so voluptuous in its nature that you can literally balance tea cups on it. She eats enough cheese to keep the state of Wisconsin in business and considers belching to be detox for the soul. Lauren does not enjoy underwear or anything labeled "fat free," "organic," or "all natural." Brian often encourages Lauren to increase her hygienic maintenance, notably creating a function for her showering habits: Y = 2K (where Y is the ideal rate of showering and K is the current rate of showering). In short, Lauren does not like anything Brian likes and Brian does not like Lauren.

Chris, The Crazy Egomaniac
To quote his idol, Chris is a true superstar, superstar and he knows what you areee, what you are baby. Chris has broken everything with a battery, including three separate Grand Prixs multiple times, his computer countless times, his cell phones too many times to count, and the computers in the Computer Science wing of his school, temporarily sending a small Asian child into a tizzy of "Blue Screen! Blue Screen!" Neither Pontiac, Best Buy, Verizon, or Lafayette enjoy seeing him pop up on Caller ID. Hailing from Rochester, NY, Chris considers anything below Binghamton to be the South and thinks a really great vacation spot is Toronto. In his spare time - which, in truth, is most of his time - Chris enjoys torturing sales clerks, sipping on Andre with Lady GaGa, and planning his next adventure. We are certain however that the Fiesta can take whatever Chris throws at it. Chris is bringing back the fanny pack people, go get yours at American Apparel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to our Blog

Hey everyone!

This is Brian of Team WEGOTYOURCRAZY! Chris, Lauren and I will be using this blog to share our 6-month adventure as one of Ford's Fiesta Agents.

We entered the FiestaMovement contest by submitting our application video (seen below):

For the next 6 months, Ford's Mission Control will be giving us monthly missions to complete. We will be driving our "SQUEEZE Green" Ford Fiesta all over the Northeast coast to spread the word about Ford's new small car, slated to be introduced to the U.S. market in 2010.

To read more about the FiestaMovement and meet the other agents, check out this link:
The Fiesta Movement

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!!

We will be picking up our Ford Fiesta in New York City on April 19th-20th. Check our blog, follow us on Facebook, or tweet with us on Twitter.

The FIESTA is coming and team WEGOTYOURCRAZY is ready to show you why it's a party on the road!!